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History of the invention Radio The First грозоотметчик A.S. Popova.

The study of the electromagnetic waves teacher Mine military seamen of the class concerned with In Russia one of first in Kronshtadte-Alexander Stepanovich Popov. The Mine class presented itself beautiful for its time educational institution, in which,alongside with preparation specialist for navy, intensive was winnowed scientific work. Persuaded in possibility relationship without wire with the help of electromagnetic waves, Popov has built the first radio in the world (refer to photo-album), applicable in his(its) scheme detector element-kogerer. He closely reacted electric voiced on parcel the electromagnetic fluctuations, which were generated by vibrator of the Hertz on distance 30 are put. As a result Popov came to original design device for receiving the electromagnetic fluctuations, hereunder having done decisive step to making the system for transmission and acceptance signal on distance. Exactly fleet, in the first place, sharply need for means of communication and signalizings on greater distances without wire. About such relationship dreamed the sailors, and Popov could not not separate their hopes. 7 May 1895 on meeting Russian physico-chemical society in Petersburg, A.S.POPOV has demonstrated the action of its instrument, having been(appeared), on essences of the deal,the first in the world by radio, which on value was evaluated only after several years. So 7 May became daytime births radio-one of the the most great inventions XIX age, rendered essential influence upon all spheres of human activity !!!

A.S.POPOV continued emphatically to improve receiving and sending equipment. He put its direct problem to build the instrument for transmission radiotelegraph signal on greater distances. The successful experiences took place In 1897-1899 gg. on radio communication on nave Baltic, but then and Chernomorskogo fleet. During experience on radio communication, by means of instrument Popova, was is for the first time discovered reflection of the electromagnetic waves from metallic subject, after thirty since spare years this phenomena was  in base radar detection technique plane and nave.

In winter 1899-1900 A.S.POPOV were entrusted to organize the line a radio communication between island Gogland and Kotkoy (the distance beside 50 km), which successfully worked in the course of operations on removing put on stone armadillo "General-admiral Apraksin".This promoted the opening in 1899 assistent A.S. POPOVA-PetromA.S. Prist Nikolaevichem Rybkinym,abilities of the acceptance signal on headsets, sensitivity increased due to that to receiving the electromagnetic waves.During this operations radio for the first time was aplying for saving of the people-icebreaker "Ermak",got radiomessage,sent by A.S.POPOVYM,left on help fisherman,carried away on block of ice seaborne.So invention A.S.POPOVA left on road of the practical application In 1901 range radiotelegraph relationship,reaching Popovym, was 150 kilometers. In tsarist Russia, on the strength of lethargy ruling circle and economic backwardness of the country,radio communication and radio engineering developed exceedingly slowly.

Introduction radio communication began At participation A.S.POPOVA on the fleet and in army of the Russia.
Generation of the new current trend and technology-radio mechanics is bound With name A.S.POPOVA.He was and creator of the course on telegraph without wire,which began to be read in Mine nave class.

Г, Маркони Simultaneously with A.S.POPOVYM like opening has done the italian engineer G.MARKONI at May 1895.Not surprising that Markoni came to more close circuit design,history of the science and technology knows much similar events. The Improvement like instrument was conducted by company, organized by G.MARKONI in Britains.The Company Markoni begin issue first radiotelegraph station, which were fixed on nave and lighthouse for regular transmission of the messages (see  SM5BMB).. The Experiences put(deliver)ed in broad scale Markoni, have allowed in 1901 realize radiotelegraph transmission from Britain through Atlantic ocean.
Regrettably,patent naivete russian scientist has brought about loss of the priority A.S.POPOVA on this invention so foreign researchers to histories radio will return the unconditional preference italian engineer G.MARKONI, which patent its invention in Britains. Today not so it is important, who exactly was first, however with confidence possible to say that both great inventors have contributed the significant contribution to deal of the invention radio.

The most  important stage in development radio communication was a creation in 1913 generator of the continuous electromagnetic fluctuations. Except transmissions telegraph signal, consisting of short and more long-lasting pulse of the electromagnetic waves, became possible reliable and high-quality radiophone relationship-transmission speech and musics by means of electromagnetic waves, initiated and broadcastings.

At May 1995 whole world has noted 100-years of the invention Radio!

Great name in Histories Radio
American museum Markoni
The Museum Radio to him. A.S.POPOVA
The Museum High naval school radio&electronics to him. A.S.POPOVA


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